Since 1991, the International Leadership Institute has provided more than 90 executive education programs for a variety of clients in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Baltic Republics.
United States Government's AID programs (US Agency for International Development), delivered through World Learning, D.C.
From1996-2004, the Institute served as a training provider for US AID programs of the US Department of State, through World Learning, Washington, D.C. As with all Institute programs, these results-oriented training programs were key expressions of our core capability, which is designing and delivering programs that meet the needs of particular clients, either individually or in small groups.ILI's AID programs bring together business, professional and government leaders from the transition economies of East Central Europe with their American counterparts.
These programs were designed to help leaders develop closer economic and social ties with the United States. In addition to giving participants the needed tools for success in their home organizations, these programs stress the importance of building free, open market economies in the context of democratic political systems. These programs were funded entirely by US AID; trainees were selected for participation based on their ability to make positive economic, political or social change in their country. Typically, these participants possessed technical or academic skills, and leadership qualities, were committed to development, and were striving to become effective leaders in managing change.
ILI's AID programs include the following:
Micro-Turbine Technology, Macedonia program for four managers involved in evaluating, buying and maintaining micro-turbines, to be used in areas in Macedonia that are off the grid. Custodial Banking Operation, Bulgaria program for eight pension fund executives from various sectors of the Bulgarian pension industry. Click the link at the bottom of this page to read an article based on this program. Information Technology (IT) Banking Supervision, Croatia program for five IT examiners from the Croatian National Bank. Managing Software Development, Bulgaria program for three software executives from private firms in Bulgaria.
Business Leadership Forum: USA Programs delivered in conjunction with U.S. and European government, civic and educational institutions From 1991-2007, the International Leadership Institute delivered Business Leadership Forum: USA programs, typically conducted in partnership with civic, government and educational organizations. For example, from 1993 to1996, the Institute partnered with the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade, Olomouc Training Center, the University of North Florida, and the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce to deliver executive education programs for major industrial enterprises in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic and Slovakia).
These programs, delivered by the International Leadership Institute Business Leadership Forum: USA, have an outstanding record of achievement including more than one billion dollars US of business transactions through program participants with their American counterparts. The programs served exectuives in leadership roles in government, education and business, and can be tailored to the specific needs of participating organizations.
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